• Member Since 14th Jul, 2016


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Misty is a nervous pony. With all the abuse she takes from Opaline, it's no surprise that she's about to pee herself every other minute. What is a little hench-pony with an overactive bladder supposed to do?

Sad/Dark/Drama tags added because Opaline is a horrible pony.

Trigger warnings: Bedwetting / urge incontinence and Misty's abusive home life

Cover image is Derpibooru #2958157.

Chapters (1)

I never expected much to happen to me when I joined the Royal Guard. It's a nice job, don't get me wrong, but all those stories about saving the princess and getting a reward were just stories. Of course, sometimes those stories come true and in the came of myself I happened to have done just that. I saved Princess Celestia and in return I got to go out on a date with her.

Co-written with CrackedInkWell

Chapters (1)

The shifts on Princess Luna's night guard can be long and boring, but tonight Princess Luna invites you in to play a game.

EDIT: Non-mature feature box day of posting, 11/11/19!

Chapters (1)

After discovering Celestia's old diary, Twilight is having a great time reading through and learning all about her mentor's life a thousand years ago. But then, she comes across an odd series of entries. Entries that, the more she reads, the more they reveal a shocking piece of history.

Warning: Contains diapers, diaper usage, ABDL themes

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Cuddle Time...Again!

You are a royal guard. You're having a particularly bad day, but the good news is that somepony is coming along today that might lift you out of your funk with some killer hugs.

The final installation in the trilogy which includes Cuddle Time and Cuddle Time...Again!

EDIT: Featured 8/1/17! Danke!

Chapters (1)

The Pegasi at the Weather Factory have scheduled a freezing squall to overcome the Wonderbolts' Base the entire weekend. Their captain, Spitfire, sets out to find where in the compound her teammate and old friend Soarin' has decided to hole up for the cold weekend.

A soft sequel (same universe but no plot connection) to my story Hearth's Warming (Spit)Fire.

Cover art by @FreeFlight08 on Twitter.

Chapters (1)

Soarin' and Spitfire have been friends for a long, long time, and their relationship shows it. Right before the Wonderbolts disperse for Hearth's Warming Break, Soarin' drops by the Captain's office for a farewell chat, which leads to more than they both thought.

Written as a request from Wonderbolt Writer.

EDIT: Non-mature featured, which is pretty cool I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Chapters (1)

After his ordeal with Mind Fission and his mind free of his control, Shining Armor returns to the Crystal Empire to investigate a tip given to him about his wife. Princess Cadance had been hiding her biggest secret from Shining Armor for years; never working up the courage to tell him, and now caught in a seemingly awkward position.

Warning: Contains mild ABDL themes and diapers

I wanted to explore relationship dynamics and self-acceptance barriers with this one; something one can relate to despite what kind of secrets are kept in relationships, or even friendships for that matter.

In this series, other ponies will undergo various issues of said variety.

Cover art by the lovely Plinkie Poi

Chapters (5)

Twilight has a question. One that has plagued her mind since her ascension and tonight, the stars are going to give her the courage to find her answer.

All praise and credit for the cover art goes to SilFoe on D.A.

Chapters (1)

Not long after Tirek's defeat, Twilight has begun suffering from a medical condition that shouldn't be able to affect ponies and her life depends on Luna. How will both of their lives, and their relationship, be affected during the days and nights together as Twilight searches for a way to reclaim her independence?

* This is a TwiLuna story.
** Cover art by CaptainPudgeMuffin (Commissioned for this story.)

Traducción al español de mi fanfic por SPANIARD KIWI: Todos Para Una, y Una Para Luna

Chapters (13)